October 23rd-24th, 2013 The Biopsypen consortium got together in Madrid for its kick-off meeting, with sessions on the technical targets of each work package and in-depth discussion on innovative solutions combining each partner’s expertise. This meeting resulted in a number of extremely promising READ MORE
S. Teri McGillis, MD, and Howard Fein, MD Read more: Topical-Treatment-Strategies-for-NMSC-and-Percursor-Lesions
John R. Durkin, Bs,* Jeffery L. Fine, Md,† Hakeem Sam, Md, Phd,‡ Melissa Pugliano-Mauro, Md,‡ And Jonhan Ho, Md‡ Read more: Imaging-of-Mohs-Micrographic-Surgery-Sections-Using
Thilo Gambichler • Volker Jaedicke • Sarah Terras Read more: Optical-coherence-tomography-in-dermatology
Mihaela Antonina Calin • Sorin Viorel Parasca • Roxana Savastru • Marian Romeo Calin • Simona Dontu Read more: Optical-techniques-for-the-noninvasive-diagnosis-of-skin-cancer
Mette Mogensen, Md, And Gregor B. E. Jemec, Md, Dmsc Read more: Diagnosis-of-Nonmelanoma-Skin-CancerKeratinocyte
MADRID – March 25, 2014 – MedLumics, a medical imaging company specializing in advanced optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology, today announced the kick off of a three-year initiative to translate the latest OCT research into new clinical applications. BiopsyPen is a project funded READ MORE
New imaging system allows for evaluation and monitoring of skin cancer without an invasive tissue biopsy MADRID – MedLumics, a medical imaging company specializing in advanced optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology, debuted its NITIDTM skin imaging system at the 23rd Annual European Academy READ MORE
March 17th, 2015 Hosted by Exalos in Zurich, Switzerland
Octobre 28 – 31, 2015 This joint meeting in 2015 will be the opportunity for international experts to discuss surgery, adjuvant treatment, innovative diagnostic, imaging and treatment techniques in skin cancers. Participation to this international multidisciplinary meeting is a strong evidence of the READ MORE